result count: 4

Sys422437_nameSupporting the Water Source Survey Team
Sys422437_szquest_accept_detailThere is [ZONE_LAKE HERON|Lake Heron] in the north, which is the main water supply for this area. However, lately, the rivers and creeks from [ZONE_LAKE HERON|Lake Heron] have all dried up, affecting the life in this area. There seems to be something going on.\n\nIt is now up to a Water Source Survey Team consisting of the Eye of Wisdom and Varanas Guards to investigate further. However, they do not have enough people, so would you be willing to help with this problem, adventurer?\n\nIf you are willing to help, please go to [ZONE_NORZEN POINT|Norzen Camp], south of [ZONE_LAKE HERON|Lake Heron], and report to Captain [113176|Jiesheesh Norzen].
Sys422437_szquest_complete_detailYes, I am Water Source Survey Team Captain [113176|Jiesheesh Norzen]. Did you come to help in the investigation?\n\nAdventurer, thank you. Well then...
Sys422437_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_NORZEN POINT|Norzen Camp], south of [ZONE_LAKE HERON|Lake Heron], and report to captain [113176|Jiesheesh Norzen].