result count: 9

SC_422439_01You've already captured 10 [<S>102203|Gnawing Beavers]!
SC_422439_02What you captured isn't a [102203|Gnawing Beaver]!
SC_422439_03You caught a [102203|Gnawing Beaver]!
SC_422439_04The [102203|Gnawing Beaver] nimbly escaped your lasso!
Sys422439_nameBeavermen Activity
Sys422439_szquest_accept_detailOriginally, what those Beavermen built could not be classified as dams, but more like scrap wood... But now, their dams can completely block the water flow. What happened?\n\nAlso, they do not even need to build a dam, there must be an external reason... We might be able to find some answers from the Beavermen, directly. I will need some [<S>102203|Gnawing Beavers] samples. Please use this [205235|Special Magic Lasso] to bring back 10 [<S>102203|Gnawing Beavers] for research.
Sys422439_szquest_complete_detailResearch needs some time, but I believe we will have the answer soon!\n\nDuring this time, maybe you could...
Sys422439_szquest_descUse this [205235|Special Magic Lasso] to bring back 10 [<S>102203|Gnawing Beavers] to Water Source Survey Team Captain [113176|Jiesheesh Norzen] at [ZONE_NORZEN POINT|Norzen Camp] for research.
Sys422439_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhy do the Beavermen need to build a dam that completely blocks off the water supply?\n\nWe might be able to find some answers from the Beavermen, directly. I will need some [<S>102203|Gnawing Beavers] samples. Please use this [205235|Special Magic Lasso] to bring back 10 [<S>102203|Gnawing Beavers] for research.