result count: 9

SC_422440_01You've already captured a [102205|Wood-Breaker Jillap]!
SC_422440_02What you captured isn't a [102205|Wood-Breaker Jillap]!
SC_422440_03You caught a [102205|Wood-Breaker Jillap]!
SC_422440_04The [102205|Wood-Breaker Jillap] used its great strength to block your lasso!
Sys422440_nameKidnapping the Beaver King
Sys422440_szquest_accept_detailThe results show that all the Beavermen are normal, which means that they built the dam of their own free will. This means that there is only one possibility left!\n\nBeavermen completely obey their King. If there isn't an outside cause for them to block the water, then it must be under the King's command... I have no other explanation!\n\nPlease use this [205236|Special Magic Lasso] to bring back the one known as the Beaver King [102205|Wood-Breaker Jillap]. This may not be easy, but it is our last clue. Please do all you can to succeed.
Sys422440_szquest_complete_detailThank you, it couldn't have been an easy task.\n\nThen, let's research the marks on the Beaver King's body.
Sys422440_szquest_descUse [205236|Special Magic Lasso] to bring back Beaver King [102205|Wood-Breaker Jillap] to [ZONE_NORZEN POINT|Norzen Camp] for Water Source Survey Team Captain [113176|Jiesheesh Norzen] to research.
Sys422440_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease use this [205236|Special Magic Lasso] to bring back the one known as the Beaver King [102205|Wood-Breaker Jillap]. This may not be easy, but it is our last clue. Please do all you can to succeed.