result count: 4

Sys422442_nameSupporting the Cave Survey Team
Sys422442_szquest_accept_detailMaybe you can support the Cave Survey Team during this time.\n\nIn addition to the water problem at [ZONE_LAKE HERON|Lake Heron], evidently, there have been some Goblins working in the natural caves near the lake.\n\nThis problem is currently being handled by the Cave Survey Team formed by the Order of Dark Glory. If you are willing to, you go find Captain [113177|Redsnow Kloka]. She will be very glad for your help.
Sys422442_szquest_complete_detailExcellent! Adventurer, I can see a firm mercenary spirit in your eyes.\n\nLet's work together. We are called mercenaries. I will call you that from now on too.
Sys422442_szquest_descContact Cave Survey Team Captain [113177|Redsnow Kloka] and find out about supporting the team.