result count: 5

Sys422446_nameThe Water Source Survey Team Report
Sys422446_szquest_accept_detailWe have sent the Beaver King back to Lake Heron. We just need to observe for a little while longer in case the Naga continue to use weird methods of controlling the Beaver King.\n\nI have written the current situation into this report. Please deliver this [205256|Water Source Survey Team Report] back to Coalition General [113185|Sheelo Lance] at [ZONE_BODO OF WATER|Haz].
Sys422446_szquest_complete_detailYour effort with the Water Source Survey Team has proven the Beaver King's innocence. It looks like we need to solve this threat with the Naga before it gets any bigger.\n\nYou have to pass the test of the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier] in order to go to Aotulia Volcano.
Sys422446_szquest_descBring the [205256|Water Source Survey Team Report] written by [113176|Jiesheesh Norzen] to the [ZONE_BODO OF WATER|Haz] and deliver it to Coalition General [113185|Sheelo Lance].
Sys422446_szquest_uncomplete_detailI have written the current situation into this report. Please deliver this [205256|Water Source Survey Team Report] back to Coalition General [113185|Sheelo Lance] at [ZONE_BODO OF WATER|Haz].