result count: 5

Sys422449_nameEnergy Converter Cores
Sys422449_szquest_accept_detailI just found out that besides the [102245|Sharp Blade Annihilators] and [102246|Steel Guardians], there is a third kind of guardian called an [102247|Energy Converter].\n\nIt seems that the [<S>102247|Energy Converters] are used to support the other two types of guardians so I think that they require greater flexibility and analytical ability. So, as for their parts, what I want most is their cores. If you can bring back 10 [<S>205259|Energy Converter Cores], I'll give you a favorable reward.
Sys422449_szquest_complete_detailEven when taken out of its body, I can hear some of the cores operating. The guardians' power truly is mysterious and frightening!\n\nAnyway, thank you so much. This is your rightful reward, please accept it.
Sys422449_szquest_descGo to the outskirts of the [ZONE_HALL OF THE ANCIENTS|Hall of Survivors] and get 10 [<S>205259|Cores] from the [<S>102247|Energy Converters] then bring them to the Eye of Wisdom researcher [113180|Kaidi Hamaelong] in [ZONE_CAMP SANBURS|Sanburs Camp].
Sys422449_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you can get 10 more [<S>205259|Energy Converter Cores] for me, I'll give you a favorable reward.