result count: 7

SC_422528_0Do you have any [205657|Miraculous Transformation Mud - Red-Skin Goblin] left?
SC_422528_1I left some for my master!\n\nHow did you find them?
Sys422528_namePrepare to Enter the Mine
Sys422528_szquest_accept_detailNo... it's still too difficult... the gods would have to expend too much energy to keep the disease from spreading. Also, my own body has become quite weak... Damn this useless body! I can almost see the inside of the sealed mine!\n\nIn order to save the Bodos of the village, the [113222|Shaman Elder], who can channel the power of the Fire Spirit, released enough energy and almost killed himself. But those villainous Red Goblins took advantage of his weakness and kidnapped our elder.\n\nPerhaps the red serpent I see in the flame symbol is the lord behind the Red Goblins. More importantly, though, we must find a way to get into the sealed mine. There is a good chance that our elder is inside.\n\nAdditionally, if those bright flashes are warnings of a trap as [113302|Nand] has suggested, then you must be very careful with everything you do. Be as inconspicuous as possible. And make sure to put the [205426|Miraculous Transformation Mud] to good use. This time, we need it to be more effective, changing those Red Goblins' appearances.\n\nShaman [113288|Tibabus] has told me that your [205426|Miraculous Transformation Mud] comes from a trader named [113305|Gelin Kawanla]. A while back, Shaman [113288|Tibabus] brought his pet here. It's a [102254|Golden Green Balloon Monster], named [205535|Goldie]... The noise he makes is unbearable. It gives me nothing but headaches.\n\nNow, I give him to you. Ask him about how [205426|Miraculous Transformation Mud] changes the Red Goblins' appearance.
Sys422528_szquest_complete_detailA big bag of [205654|Miraculous Transformation Mud]? Our little Balloon Monster's tendency of showing off can be beneficial in carrying out the next part of our plan.\n\nAs for the part he is going to help with, I'm just going to turn him loose. Hopefully, he won't be so dumb as to go cause trouble in the Bodo village with his greedy master.
Sys422528_szquest_descAsk [205535|Goldie] about the [205654|Miraculous Transformation Mud] method of transforming into a Red Goblin, and then report back to Shaman [113313|Shachis].
Sys422528_szquest_uncomplete_detailBefore I pass on, I want to do as much as I can...