result count: 4

Sys422537_nameOnly the Chief Can!
Sys422537_szquest_accept_detail[113302|Nand's] smile is not very encouraging!\n\nI'm trying to deal with the loss of [113302|Nand], but I'm still worried about Shaman [113313|Shachis]. The carving confirmed what they both thought. If Shaman [113313|Shachis] gets attacked because of this, the power of the Fire Spirit now out of control will surely devour all of [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa]!\n\nAlso...[113302|Nand's] eyes were never red before...[113313|Shachis] was the only one I have ever seen with eyes like that...\n\nWhat are we going to do?\nWho could possibly deal with this situation?... The chief! Only the chief can!\n\nCould you go back to the village? Find [113315|Rufa Chief], our great chief, and help Shaman [113313|Shachis], help [113302|Nand], and help all of [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa]!
Sys422537_szquest_complete_detailOutsiders bring evil spirits to torment us. But Shaman [113313|Shachis] chose to believe in you. I hope you realize that he took a great risk.
Sys422537_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa] and ask [113315|Rufa Chief] for help. Inform him of everything that is going on.