result count: 5

Sys422538_namePower of the Fire Spirit Out of Control
Sys422538_szquest_accept_detailRed fire surges, leaps, and dances around the Fire Spirit totem pole, but not as hotly as before. The Fire of Life is dissipating, but only restraining the power of the Fire Spirit can stabilize the shaman's condition.\n\nOur enemies obviously want to shake the Fire Spirit's foundation! But it was made by the Rufa Bodos, so it will not fall!\n\nAll of the Bodo villages have encountered some sort of trouble. For [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa], it is disease, and that has weakened the Fire Spirit.\n\nOnce we have overcome these crises, all we have left to do is find out the whereabouts of those masked men. I hope they're ready for the party we're going to put on for them!\n\nDo you have time to help me gather 7 [<S>205637|Fire Spirit Engravings] that have been scattered throughout the village? I'm going to use them to restrain the power of the Fire Spirit that is out of control.
Sys422538_szquest_complete_detailThe restless Fire Spirit must hasten back to its place of peace, and must be joined again with its volatile powers. Only when they have been unified can the enemy be defeated.
Sys422538_szquest_descFind 7 [<S>205637|Fire Spirit Engravings] in [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa] and give them to [113315|Rufa Chief].
Sys422538_szquest_uncomplete_detail[<S>205637|Fire Spirit Engravings] have always been used in the prayer dance or for the production of medicine. You just need to walk around a bit, and you're sure to find some.