result count: 5

Sys422589_nameThe Kindness of Strangers
Sys422589_szquest_accept_detailTracing the end of the Great Banishment, the Elven King [112853|Antaikolon] and Kalume, the king of the humans, established the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier] to repel the Great Serpent. Afterwards they entrusted to us the care of various holy relics, which must be handed over to humans or Elves when need arises. They can only be given to those in true need. \n\nBodos keep their promises! Only this time you disappoint us. Humans and Elves are not as strong as they once were. They are also more corrupt.\n\nEver since the arrival of the masked ones, Rufa Bodos have fallen sick, one after another. [ZONE_BODO OF WIND|Luzan] and [ZONE_BODO OF EARTH|Eduth] have turned on each other. I know that among you there are those with "true need" of these holy artifacts...\n\nPlease forgive my cynicism, but we will have to clean up the mess you leave behind! The Bodos have already suffered enough. Put a stop to these calamities, bring back peace to [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa], THEN come and ask me about the artifacts.
Sys422589_szquest_complete_detail(Shaman [113288|Tibabus] is overjoyed to see the [205634|Rufa Chief Ring] you're carrying)\n\n[113315|Rufa Chief] acknowledges you. The day of our salvation draws closer...
Sys422589_szquest_descRid [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa] of disease, receive a [205634|Rufa Chief Ring] signifying [113315|Rufa Chief's] approval, return to [ZONE_BODO OF WATER|Haz] and find Shaman [113288|Tibabus].
Sys422589_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhether or not you are worthy to know the artifacts' location is still unclear.\n\nIf we are going to join forces, it is essential that we trust you before we tell you.