result count: 5

SC_422590_0Take some more [205426|Miraculous Transformation Mud].
Sys422590_nameNow If You Were My Countryman...
Sys422590_szquest_accept_detailKnowing how [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa] treat outsiders these days, things probably won't end happily for someone of your appearance. \n\nPreviously, the [205671|Miraculous Transformation Mud] you brought with you could be used here. I changed its properties a little bit so that now you only can use it at [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa].\n\nUntil you prove you pose absolutely no threat to the Bodos, partial restrictions, you understand... Don't think that we're overly cautious or paranoid... If you knew the price we'd paid at the hands of outsiders, you'd understand.\n\nGo to [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa] disguised as a Bodo and speak to [113218|Nisha]. This disease business has got him running around like a headless chicken.
Sys422590_szquest_complete_detailHere to help? Great. We're running out of [<S>205632|Healing Herbs]. We need a lot, lot more.
Sys422590_szquest_descTake the shape of a Bodo and speak with [113218|Nisha] at [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa].