result count: 10

SC_422592_0Please bring me to [113301|Barrack] so that I may bow down before him.
SC_422592_1Touch [113301|Barrack's] jug! Let [113301|Barrack] know who worships him!
SC_422592_2The ceremony has ended!
SC_422592_3[113301|Barrack] likes it when Bodos worship him! [113301|Barrack] also likes it when others worship him!
SC_422592_4Let's go! We're going to worship [113301|Barrack]!
Sys422592_nameKneel Before Barrack
Sys422592_szquest_accept_detailBodos find clear air intoxicating. Look how happily they dance. \n\nIf you don't mind, may I ask you to join us in our god worshipping ceremony?\nIt's very simple really. Just go to see [113290|Yijuay] and [113291|Liba] in the village and they will lead you to the [113301|Barrack].\n\nOh! I almost forgot to tell you. The [113301|Barrack] you're going to worship is not the thousand year old artifact you're looking for, but one we made based on the original. \n\nNevertheless it still possesses spiritual power. All neophytes must go before it for examination. I still have some things for you to do when you come back.
Sys422592_szquest_complete_detailOutsiders don't understand where we get our strong spiritual beliefs. The fact is that if you already have a belief, then the experience of devotion is the same, no matter who you are.
Sys422592_szquest_descFollow behind the two [ZONE_BODO OF WATER|Haz] Bodos, [113290|Yijuay] and [113291|Liba]. Worship [113301|Barrack] according to their instructions. When you're finished, return to Shaman [113288|Tibabus].
Sys422592_szquest_uncomplete_detail[113290|Yijuay] and [113291|Liba] live in different places. To find [113290|Yijuay], you must climb to a higher part of the village.