result count: 12

SC_422593_0Can you explain the Lake Master prayer command given to me?
SC_422593_1Let, let me take a look, command ... this is an engraving technique common in the ancient times, that is used to protect our information transmission from outsiders. \n\nThe shaman gave you the [205643|Engraved Bottle], Lake Master... let that which blocks our vision disappear. The password lies in the "hakata". So, how about getting rid of the "hakata"?\n\nI, I'm just guessing. If I'm wrong, let's think it through together.
SC_422593_2After getting rid of the "hakata" I still don't understand...
SC_422593_3No problem, I, I just read it again. It says... The Lake Master uses his wisdom to judge how to deal with things. \n\nYou must take the [205643|Engraved Bottle] that I am about to give you and place it on the platform underneath the Lake Master Totem. Wait for the [205643|Engraved Bottle] to disappear as that shows that the Lake Master has finished accepting it. Then I'll give you further directions.\n\nThis reading should be right. How about you go try it out?
SC_422593_4You don't need to do that now.
SC_422593_5You aren't close enough to the [113214|Water Element Totem].
SC_422593_6There is already a [205643|Engraved Bottle] on the [113214|Water Element Totem].
Sys422593_nameLake Master Prayers
Sys422593_szquest_accept_detailDecoding commands is one of the skills required of candidates. If you can't decode them yourself, then finding another way to decode them demonstrates a different kind of ability.\n\nThe Master of the Lake governs by means of his sagacious judgment.\nHakata you must put hakata the [205643|Engraved Bottle] I'm about hakata to give you hakata on the altar hakata at the base of the totem hakata of the Master of the Lake hakata. When the [205643|Engraved Bottle] hakata fades, this indicates that hakata the Master of the Lake hakata accepts your offering hakata. I will then give you the next hakata instruction.\n\nDo your best to find the right answer. Proceed according to this note: Remember, some things can deceive you- ignore the things that shouldn't be there.
Sys422593_szquest_complete_detailOkay, okay. Let's have a look at the second command.
Sys422593_szquest_descPut the [205643|Engraved Bottle] hakata on the altar hakata at the base of the totem hakata of the Master of the Lake hakata and wait for the [205643|Engraved Bottle] to fade hakata.\n\n([113295|Kachala] is one of the few Bodos who understands his commands. If you need help he can be found near the Master of the Lake totem)
Sys422593_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you decode the command okay?