result count: 5

Sys422600_nameMeasuring the Damage
Sys422600_szquest_accept_detailBefore attempting a rescue, let's check if the Bodos in our village still value the Mother Earth totem or not. I fear that they've been fighting too long and have forgotten their original beliefs.\n\nShaman [113288|Tibabus] gave me some cool stuff, like this [205648|Light Powder] that indicates energy. If we sprinkle it on the Mother Earth totem pole, not only will it reveal the totem's present degree of deterioration, I pray that its eerie new appearance will make them nervous.\n\nHopefully we'll be able to draw their attention away from the war for a while.
Sys422600_szquest_complete_detailAstonishing result... I saw it.\n\nI've always known that the gods are powerful, but this time I could see it for myself. I admit, I was a little scared... I thought she looked weak.\n\nThe good thing is, I noticed my comrades are in uproar about the condition of the Mother Earth totem, which should reduce the number of attacks on [ZONE_BODO OF WIND|Luzan], at least for a while.
Sys422600_szquest_descSprinkle the [205648|Light Powder] on the Mother Earth totem ([113213|Earth Element Totem]). When you're done, return to [113312|Esha's] side.
Sys422600_szquest_uncomplete_detailFriend, careful as you go.\n\nI'm not sure, when they see you near the Mother Earth totem, whether they'll surround and attack you or not.