result count: 4

Sys422631_nameFalynum's Warning
Sys422631_szquest_accept_detailThanks for driving off those insects and rescuing my sanity.\n\nBut they will not stop there. I know their ambitions. I saw an evil shadow covering the intruders, his gigantic blood red wings blotted out the sky, promising ruination, despair and the destruction of order in the world.\n\nSomebody must stop him!\n\nMy power has not completely returned. Take this frightful news to [113283|Mynarvis] for me. The Elves must not be absent from this battle.
Sys422631_szquest_complete_detailYes, I understand Falynum. With the Holy King's guidance, I have seen that blood-soaked future, when evil shall walk the earth. It's not going to be pretty, my friend.\n\nPerhaps the time has come to gather the Elves together again...
Sys422631_szquest_descConvey [113387|Holy Tree Falynum's] words to [113283|Mynarvis] the Elf at the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower] in the [ZONE_SAVAGE LANDS|Savage Lands].