result count: 6

SC_422681_0(The person wearing [205762|Zurhidon Clothing] shakes in surprise at your appearance.)\n\nShh! While I don't know how you snuck past the Naga to get here, this is a dangerous place. You should get out of here before you're captured by the Blacksnake General.
Sys422681_nameFront Line Report
Sys422681_szquest_accept_detailI welcome your help, especially since Captain [113458|Yashina] sent you. I heard [113489|Midese] say that some guys that didn't understand the situation were sent back by the captain... She wasn't polite to the personnel sent over by Commander [113455|Apat], either....\n\nFirst I'll tell you some of what we know. You must be especially careful when crossing the [ZONE_THE MOLTEN BRIDGE|Steel Bridge of Cremation]. I'm not sure what level your skills will reach in the future, but I'm sure that the Naga are more cruel than the Tempest Height barbarians or the Cyclopes! \n\nI'm responsible for recording the strength and times of the Naga patrols. A few days ago, my comrade [113487|Ganoda] disguised himself as a member of Zurhidon and infiltrated the black snake camp, but this didn't resolve the problem. \n\nBecause later we found out that the relationship between the Naga and Zurhidon didn't appear to be on good terms. To put it simply, although they are both the subordinates of the monster, \n[102438|Sirloth], their desire to fight with each other is clear. Captain \n[113458|Yashina] wants to cause the Naga army to fall into chaos or get them to kill each other. The Zurhidon are probably our best bet.\n\nThe operation is exceptionally tough, but at our present stage, it is our best chance for getting near the black snake camp. The way that Naga treat their enemies... I hope you won't get the chance to encounter that, especially within their camp... In this situation, it will get more and more dangerous in there for [113487|Ganoda]. We need your help.\n\nJust use these clothes to disguise yourself as a member of Zurhidon so you can enter the black snake camp and help \n[113487|Ganoda]. The clothes he is wearing also have blood smeared on them by Captain [113458|Yashina]. So you can recognize him by the blood spots on the inside of his elbow. I hope you will both return safely!
Sys422681_szquest_complete_detail(The person in front of you wearing [205760|Zurhidon Clothing] sees the speckled bloodstains near your elbow, then speaks in a low voice.)\n\nBad...personality? Bad personality!\n\n([113487|Ganoda] is clearly confused by your response and starts to mutter...)\nYou should have a secret signal... Why don't you...\n\nIt isn't likely I'm wrong... The only person that would stain clothes with blood like this would be Captain [113458|Yashina]...\n\n([113487|Ganoda] raises his eyes to look at you.)\n\nI'm [113487|Ganoda]. Did you come to help me?
Sys422681_szquest_descWear the [205760|Zurhidon Clothing] to enter the black snake camp near the [ZONE_THE MOLTEN BRIDGE|Steel Bridge of Cremation] and meet with [113487|Ganoda].
Sys422681_szquest_uncomplete_detail(The person in front of you wearing [205760|Zurhidon Clothing] seems to shake out of shock.)\n\nSsh! I don't know how you snuck by the Naga to get in here, but it's very dangerous here. Hurry up and leave before the black snake general catches you.