result count: 5

Sys422718_nameReturning Safely
Sys422718_szquest_accept_detailI'm still unable to leave this cavern. Based on past experience, I still can't be sure if [102623|Lytfir] will suddenly awake. If he suddenly awakes and I'm not here, it will bring disaster to the world.\n\nBut you needn't worry as you were able to withstand [102623|Lytfir's] violent attacks. This proves that you are able to properly protect the water power that I gave you. I condensed the power of water into a solid form so that you can bring it back and make good use of it.\n\nCome on! Carefully hold and protect the crystal.\n\n(You can feel the great power stored within the crystal. You had better return to see [113420|Kerchif Waylan] right away.)
Sys422718_szquest_complete_detailSo the Water Dragon King let you bring this crystal back? Oh... Look at this crystal, such beautiful energy... ([113420|Kerchif Waylan] cannot speak for a moment.)\n\n(He sighs)... I'm sorry, I fell into a trance. With this we can start changing the barrier's structure. You did very well.
Sys422718_szquest_descBring the [205837|Water Crystal] that [113424|Zanordoth] gave you back to the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier] and give it to [113420|Kerchif Waylan].
Sys422718_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you find the Water Dragon King, [113424|Zanordoth]?