result count: 12

SC_Q422755_00[123023|Adam Adamson] obviously wants to say something to you.
SC_Q422755_01I heard that <CY>[122792|Mark Alaine]</CY> has a lot of faith in you. Then you surely know that Captain <CY>[122792|Mark Alaine]</CY> has set up a secret company of men at the <CY>[ZONE_BRIMSTONE_CAMP|Camp of Cleansing]</CY>, right?\n\nFrom what I've heard, he wants to recapture the <CY>[ZONE_BRIMSTONE_CAMP|Camp of Cleansing]</CY>.
SC_Q422755_02I wouldn't have thought you'd have known about that too.
SC_Q422755_03Pssst! Be quiet!\n\nI told you about that because I want to ask you for a favor.\n\nHave you any idea how many orders I've had to forgo since it became known that the <CY>[SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Franko Pirates]</CY> have taken the <CY>[ZONE_BRIMSTONE_CAMP|Camp of Cleansing]</CY>?
SC_Q422755_04No idea! How many?
SC_Q422755_05Err, you understand what I'm trying to tell you, don't you?\n\nYou've got a good relationship with Captain <CY>[122792|Mark Alaine]</CY>... couldn't you maybe talk to him in my name? I'm sure he'd come up with something for these problems.\n\nWould you do that for me?
SC_Q422755_06Good. I'll see what I can do. How do you think I should go about it?
Sys422755_nameAdam's Problems
Sys422755_szquest_accept_detailLet's get going! Though perhaps we should take a little something with us?\n\nLet's take that [201560|High Quality Rum] with us. I picked it up somewhere along the way. It's in the [121520|Exquisite Ceremonial Chest] next to us.\n\nOh yes! Maybe you could rustle up something tasty to eat? I've heard the [201561|leg meat] on a [108257|Black Nest Gazelle] is very popular among pirates. A bit of food and drink, that ought to be enough for a small present for the hosts.\n\nDon't worry. When all this is over I'll be eternally in your debt. But I need your help first!
Sys422755_szquest_complete_detailThank you! You really mean well with me.\n\nOh, come now. I'm only too pleased to help a friend out with his problems. I don't need all this stuff!\n\n<CY>(All of a sudden</CY> [122859|'Anger Boots' Johnny] <CY>pushes the meat and rum aside.)</CY>\n\nAs far as the transport issues are concerned, I already have an idea for that, we just need to test it. Reckon you could help me with that?
Sys422755_szquest_descTake the [201560|High Quality Rum] and [201561|Gazelle Haunch] to [122859|'Anger Boots' Johnny] and find out about possible transport.
Sys422755_szquest_uncomplete_detailThat's how it is then! Still, it won't be easy finding a solution.