result count: 5

Sys422756_nameA Joyful Reunion
Sys422756_szquest_accept_detailOh... I have an idea how we could solve our transport issues for the time being. Though since this type of transport technology disappeared so long ago, it may be difficult to get the resources we'll need.\n\nBut don't you worry your head about it. I just need my [201562|Treasure Chest]. Everything we need is in there, if I remember rightly.\n\nWhen we retreated from the [ZONE_BRIMSTONE_CAMP|Camp of Cleansing], I buried it at the foot of the mountain to the west of the camp. Head over there and look for the chest.
Sys422756_szquest_complete_detail([122859|Johnny] accepts the [201562|Treasure Chest]. He seems a little moved by it.)\n\nYes, that's it. That's the one! It's mine again at last!\n\nYou know... the things in this chest are extremely precious to me!\n\n<CY>(</CY>[122859|'Anger Boots' Johnny]<CY> closes the chest again. It's full to the brim with rubbish.)</CY>
Sys422756_szquest_descGo to the place [122859|'Anger Boots' Johnny] described and look for the [201562|Treasure Chest].
Sys422756_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe had to leave the [ZONE_BRIMSTONE_CAMP|Camp of Cleansing] so quickly, otherwise I'd have taken it with me!