result count: 25

SC_422810_0This [206166|Net of Solo] cannot be used on creatures aside from the [102755|Inmakat].
SC_422810_1It's too far. You can't use this item.
SC_422810_10Earlier you wanted me to cleanse those monsters, but their souls have not calmed down. On the contrary, today they were creating an uproar near the cave mouth and attacking passers-by.
SC_422810_11I wonder what's going on?
SC_422810_12Maybe the cleansing was incomplete... Don't worry, [102805|Yamilaka]. I will do my best to heal them.
SC_422810_13You better get a move on!
SC_422810_14Goddess, no! You've lost a lot of blood. Let [113685|Namidas] go! Goddess, stay here and rest!
SC_422810_15[113685|Namidas]... Life is not a game.
SC_422810_16But the Goddess? Is the Goddess' life a game? [113685|Namidas], doesn't understand! Doesn't want to understand! Keep the Goddess out of danger!
SC_422810_17Let [113685|Namidas] and [$PLAYERNAME] go! [113685|Namidas] and [$PLAYERNAME] can help [113814|Yamilaka] with the cleansing and scouting.
SC_422810_18The Goddess must promise [113685|Namidas] to stay here and rest.
SC_422810_2[102755|Inmakat] is still resisting. You cannot use the [206166|Net of Solo] properly.
SC_422810_20What has happened? Why all the questions?
SC_422810_4That's ummm....
SC_422810_5So it really was you...[113691|Tiyana]. The pitiful spirit I couldn't save...
SC_422810_6Goddess... What happened? You've lost a lot of blood...
SC_422810_7Don't worry...[113685|Namidas]... I'm fine...
SC_422810_8[113633|Narfas], I have something to ask you.
SC_422810_9The cleansing you told me about... Were you not telling the truth?
Sys422810_szquest_accept_detailEven though it's an illusion, it will always be held close to people's hearts. Humanity is so tender, with feelings that are subtle yet profound...\n\nHave you had this feeling before? A confused, helpless feeling... Don't be afraid, this won't be a major part of your life.\n\n([113684|Narfas] speaks lowly as if talking to herself, then sets her eyes on you the next second.)\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], when I just felt the barrier that you put up, I was attacked by an evil power, and this power is no different from the power used by [102804|Tiyana] thousands of years ago.\n\nAnd just now, a wood spirit came by to tell me about a change in another Lyoth henchman ─ [102755|Inmakat]... The chaotic [102755|Inmakat] is running amok in the forest, threatening all of the forest's animals.\n\nIf the instigator of all of this is [102804|Tiyana] who has been hiding for a thousand years, then perhaps there will be more dangerous things for us to deal with to...\n\nBut the only thing we can do now is use cleansing power to settle [102755|Inmakat] down. [$PLAYERNAME], first use this [206166|Net of Solo] to bring [102755|Inmakat] back here!\nI'll use cleansing power to stabilize [102755|Inmakat's] mood. You won't have to worry too much.
Sys422810_szquest_complete_detail[$PLAYERNAME], once you give [206166|Net of Solo] to me, take a break. Don't tire yourself out too much.
Sys422810_szquest_descUse the [206166|Net of Solo] to catch [102755|Inmakat] who is roaming around in the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest] and take her back to [113684|Narfas] at the [ZONE_GRAVE OF HEROES|Hero's Tomb] for purification.
Sys422810_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou don't have to worry too much. When you use the [206166|Net of Solo] to bring back [102755|Inmakat]. I'll use the power of nature to fully cleanse [102755|Inmakat].