result count: 21

SC_422811_1I'm ready. Let's go!
SC_422811_10Too strong... [113685|Namidas] can't cleanse them!
SC_422811_11It's no good! Run away!
SC_422811_12[113685|Namidas]: Wah wah wah, [113685|Namidas] is many monsters have appeared.
SC_422811_13[113633|Narfas]: Don't cry, [113685|Namidas], you have done your best and acted responsibly. You did well.
SC_422811_14[113633|Narfas]: Don't worry, I'm already better. Let me cleanse those monsters!
SC_422811_15Quest failed! ([113643|Namidas] suffered too many injuries)
SC_422811_16Quest failed! ([$PLAYERNAME] hasn't joined the battle yet)
SC_422811_2Not yet...wait for me...wait a minute!
SC_422811_3Ahchoo...Ah ahchoo...[113685|Namidas] hasn't sneezed so many fairy sneezes in a long time.\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], are you ok? The Goddess says an adventurer's minute is equivalent to a fairy sneeze. [113685|Namidas] has already sneezed several times, so several moments have passed.
SC_422811_4Wait, [$PLAYERNAME]...\n\n[113685|Namidas] wants to wait for the Goddess to recover before going. [113685|Namidas] doesn't want the Goddess to be in danger. Just wait for a few more fairy sneezes! Ok?
SC_422811_5[$PLAYERNAME], let's...let's go.
SC_422811_6[113685|Namidas] wants to walk in front!
SC_422811_7[113685|Namidas] really likes The Goddess, so he has to protect her. You know? The Goddess is the best in the world!
SC_422811_8[113685|Namidas] told himself before to be brave and strong!
SC_422811_9The Goddess said that we can't lose to the temptation of weakness! We must always be confident that we are the strongest!
Sys422811_nameFrightening Scene
Sys422811_szquest_accept_detailThe Goddess has been injured, so [113685|Namidas] volunteered to go ahead and check out the situation. Ah ha... [113685|Namidas] isn't afraid at all!\n\nThis time I'll certainly help the Goddess. [113685|Namidas] will become the first guard to protect her. [113685|Namidas] is very brave. Although he's smaller than [$PLAYERNAME], he has lots and lots of courage.\n\nSo [113685|Namidas] will go ahead and help the Goddess with a problem. [$PLAYERNAME], do you want to go with me?\n\n(You realize that [113685|Namidas] is shaking a bit.)
Sys422811_szquest_complete_detailWaaaa.... [113685|Namidas] is so weak... [113685|Namidas] is ashamed!\n\n[113685|Namidas]... Worried that he can't help the Goddess with anything. Waaaa...
Sys422811_szquest_descGo with [113685|Namidas] to the cave to explore and cleanse.
Sys422811_szquest_uncomplete_detail[$PLAYERNAME], don't...don't be afraid. Do you want to come with me?\n\n([113685|Namidas] gulps and looks at you.)