result count: 25

SC_422815_0I'm ok! Please send me over!
SC_422815_1Let me think?
SC_422815_10Your quest has not succeeded.
SC_422815_11I've seen you before! [113633|Narfas'] lackey. Are you here to destroy me?
SC_422815_12Stop, [113691|Tiyana]!
SC_422815_13You've come to disturb me again?
SC_422815_14Humph! Well, so far I've been nice to you. Are you still not satisfied?
SC_422815_15What have I done?
SC_422815_17[102805|Yamilaka] couldn't take the stimulation and fainted. He must be treated quickly.
SC_422815_18Let me first take him back to [ZONE_GRAVE OF HEROES|Hero's Tomb].
SC_422815_19And you can follow, ok?
SC_422815_2The water elemental power left behind by [113736|Polython] is too sparse. I'm not sure of the right direction.
SC_422815_20In future it won't be so simple, you'll see! I'll make sure you taste suffering worse than I did.
SC_422815_4Ok, consider it carefully. I'll let my body recover, then go with you.
SC_422815_5[102805|Yamilaka], do you know what the final element is?
SC_422815_6A great soul fragment. This is the most critical and the most difficult part. I've been thinking about where to get it...
SC_422815_7But now... the beautiful Goddess is just nearby.
SC_422815_8[113691|Tiyana] successfully got [102805|Yamilaka's] soul fragment.
SC_422815_9My [113673|Androth], I'll once again help you recover.
Sys422815_nameWater Tracks
Sys422815_szquest_accept_detailMy energy continues to be used up... The energy needed to redeem the fallen souls far exceeds what I had anticipated.\n\nBut we still need to stop [102804|Tiyana] before she commits more sins, even if we have to take her down with our own hands...\n\nBefore [113736|Polython] fell, he marked his visitor with water elemental power. By following the energy given off by the mark, we can find where she is.\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], let's finish this once and for all.
Sys422815_szquest_complete_detailHow many tests do we have to pass before we are able to fully redeem a fallen spirit?\n\nBut, [$PLAYERNAME], now at least we've redeemed one lost soul from [102804|Tiyana's] clutches.\n\nWe can't let up...
Sys422815_szquest_descLet [113633|Narfas] transport you in front of [102804|Tiyana] and redeem the lost adventurer.
Sys422815_szquest_uncomplete_detailNo need to worry, justice is coming...\n\n([113684|Narfas] warmly smiles at you, and you realize that her complexion is even paler. She is weak.)\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], after transporting you there, I'll try to recover my strength as soon as possible to catch up with you. But, you must stop her before then, OK?