result count: 5

Sys422907_nameRare Orchid of Beauty
Sys422907_szquest_accept_detailAre you [$playername]? Surprised that I know your name? Actually I saw you when I was visiting my cousin [114421|Chuanpo Gelan] in [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis]. You did some work with my cousin, right? While you're staying in the area, would you consider helping me?\n\nIf you do, could you help me dig up some [<S>115608|Orchids of Beauty]? This flower is very rare. But it's not only beautiful, it also eats insects! [<S>115608|Orchids of Beauty] only grow in [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest]; nowhere else. They fetch high prices.
Sys422907_szquest_complete_detail5 [<S>115608|Orchids of Beauty]? They should sell fine. But this is not of your concern. They are rare and hard to get. This is my reward for your hard work!
Sys422907_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_STAR_DIM_SWAMP|Dimstar Swamp] and collect 5 insect-eating [<S>115608|Orchids of Beauty] for [115614|Art Pike].
Sys422907_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou don't have to collect many. 5 would do. They are very hard to come by. If there were lots, they wouldn't be so valuable, though!