result count: 5

Sys422908_nameRotwood Bug Acid
Sys422908_szquest_accept_detailHave you seen any [<S>103988|Rotwood Bugs]? Did you see the acid they spurt out. That acid is very strong. It not only dissolves trees, it also cause a lot of harm if you get it on yourself.\n\nI would like to ask you to collect 5 bottles of [<S>207442|Rotwood Bug Acid]. Your skill is far better than my cousin's, [114421|Chuanpo Gelan]. He may look wretched, but his vision is very good.
Sys422908_szquest_complete_detailIf you dilute [207442|Rotwood Bug Acid] and add some special materials, you can make a potion that makes timber very shiny and waterproof. Lots of expensive furniture will have this done to it. Isn't it marvelous? Acid that destroys wood can be made to protect it.
Sys422908_szquest_descBring back 5 bottles of [103988|Rotwood Bug] Acid for [115614|Art Pike].
Sys422908_szquest_uncomplete_detailOh? The [<S>207442|Rotwood Bug Acid]?