result count: 4

Sys422977_nameAnother Kind of Training
Sys422977_szquest_accept_detailWell... okay! Everyone has heard about the recent goings on. Perhaps I can only say that it's nice to meet you and this is an opportunity to advance your training... but well... I must tell you standard training can be a bit full sometimes...\n\nSo, let's make this a little different! Yes, listen good! Everybody disband and in a little while meet at [ZONE_DAELANIS_ALLEY|Dalanis Dimlane District's] funeral parlor entrance. I'll take you to experience [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis'] "real city life!"
Sys422977_szquest_complete_detailAll [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis'] buildings and outposts are all heavily patrolled by the knights. To do this job, understanding [ZONE_DAELANIS_ALLEY|Dalanis Dimlane District's] way of life is a prerequisite.
Sys422977_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_DAELANIS_ALLEY|Dalanis Dimlane District's] funeral parlor and wait at the entrance. Report to [114534|John Hoffman] for the next part of your "knight training."