result count: 7

SC_423020_0I will always be in your debt! Thank you!
SC_423020_1Without the [<S>202967|First Aid Supplies] the people can't be saved...
Sys423020_nameMedical Emergency
Sys423020_szquest_accept_detailI heard the rumor about the Dragons and monsters attacking villages together. This is the second time I've seen what an attacked site looks like. After all, I couldn't tell the giant dragons about this before seeing and understanding it for myself.\n\nAccording to these workers' description, the monsters that attacked the camp were probably wyrms. Since I arrived here fairly early, I was able to find some clues. I originally wanted to let you know about the general situation, but seeing the destruction all around you...the first thing that should be done is to disperse the first aid supplies to the injured.\n\nCome see me after you're done dispersing the supplies. I still have some clues that need to be verified. Let's split up for now.
Sys423020_szquest_complete_detail([114635|Morrok Wallinder's] expression doesn't look right. He points at an egg on the ground.) \n\nHave you seen this kind of egg before?
Sys423020_szquest_descHelp treat the injuries of the [<S>114552|Injured Herbalists] in the [ZONE_HERBALIST_CAMP|Herbalist Camp], then go see [114635|Morrok Wallinder].
Sys423020_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou still have unfinished work. Hurry up and get it done.