result count: 5

SC_423022_0While you observe this corpse, [114635|Morrok Wallinder] quietly appears nearby...
Sys423022_nameWyrm Lair
Sys423022_szquest_accept_detail[114720|Isaac Foden] is a good friend of mine. In recent years, his wife and him gathered herbs for a living in this camp. They could have lived their whole lives together... But yesterday the wyrms attacked the camp and his wife was killed in the chaos...\n\n(Although you don't know why [114635|Morrok Wallinder] started talking about this, his expression began to change as if he was thinking about something painful. He picks up one of the herbs you brought and puts it in his mouth, then his expression begins to warm...)\n\nThis camp has been here for many years. If it were to be attacked by wyrms, this should have happened much earlier. I've also never heard of wyrms bringing their eggs into battle. There must be a reason the wyrms attacked this camp. I must find out why!\n\nAs I said before, dragon eggs aren't found far from their lair for no reason, so there must be a wyrm lair nearby. Let's split up and find it.
Sys423022_szquest_complete_detailA wyrm was actually killed! Look at the scars on it...\nThe true reason behind this wyrm attack must be more serious than we thought.
Sys423022_szquest_descFind a clue about the wyrm lair then report to [114636|Morrok Wallinder].