result count: 14

SC_423024_0Ha ha ha...What do you intend to pay me with this time?
SC_423024_1You are still the same. What do you want this time?
SC_423024_2Didn't you say I'm still the same? Look for yourself!
SC_423024_3Hey, hit the wrong guy?
SC_423024_4Heh heh...this is because I'm more interested in this new face. As for you, [114635|Morrok Wallinder], unless you're about to die, I'm not interested in you anymore!
SC_423024_5You...forget it...we'll go on that errand for you first. Will you tell us the result when we return?
SC_423024_6Seeing that [114683|Midnight] is unresponsive and already examining the corpse, [114635|Morrok Wallinder] smiles wryly...
SC_423024_7You don't see [114635|Morrok Wallinder] here, and remember that he said he didn't want to see [114512|John Hoffman]...
SC_423024_8(Ask him if he saw [114635|Morrok Wallinder].)
SC_423024_9[114635|Morrok Wallinder]?\n\nHey? Where is he? He was just here. Before [114512|John Hoffman] arrived, he was waiting here, but now I don't know where he's gone...
Sys423024_nameDimlane District's Autopsy Specialist
Sys423024_szquest_accept_detailYes...these were all human tools. This kind of wyrm ordinarily wouldn't attack humans. Something must have provoked it...\n\nYou said that there weren't any eggs in the lair... If the people who left behind the tools took the wyrms' eggs, then the wyrms would have a reason to attack humans. But the question is, whose tools are these? Why did they want to do this, killing the spouses of these innocent workers...\n\n([114637|Morrok Wallinder] gnashes his teeth and clenches his fist, then returns to normal after a long while.) \n\nI want to find them, but there's no way to identify where the wyrm's scars came from. I know a autopsy specialist in [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis]. Although he's a bit on the strange side, his understanding of corpses is unmatched.\n\nHis "store" is in the [ZONE_DAELANIS_ALLEY|Dalanis Dimlane District]. The whole place is filled with coffins because corpses are given to him to take care of. There are many people that show up there including some people that I don't want to [114512|John Hoffman] of the Lionheart Knights.\n\nIf you can't find me there, perhaps [114512|John Hoffman] is nearby. I'll show up once he leaves. Let's meet there. I'll go first with the corpse.
Sys423024_szquest_complete_detailHave you waited long?\n\nI already asked the specialist's assistant to send notice. He should show up in a minute.\n\nOh ya. Since he's a bit strange, you needn't open your mouth. Leave the talking up to me.
Sys423024_szquest_descGo to the place covered with coffins in the [ZONE_DAELANIS_ALLEY|Dalanis Dimlane District] to see [114637|Morrok Wallinder].\n\n[114637|Morrok Wallinder] mentioned that he doesn't want to see [114512|John Hoffman]. If you don't see [114635|Morrok Wallinder] when you get there, pay notice to whether or not [114512|John Hoffman] is there.