result count: 5

Sys423040_nameThe Bluff
Sys423040_szquest_accept_detail[$PLAYERNAME], the corpse examined by [114683|Midnight] wasn't the only one.\n\nHe's angrily mentioned many beat up, tortured corpses. He said that their skin was artlessly sliced off piece by piece.\n\nSay, if we were to cut this soldiers skin into strips, do you think he will find it novel?\n\nCome, take this [206797|Dull Knife] and torture him a while. First ask him why they stole the wyrm eggs. Also ask where [103292|Maxim Erekat III] is hiding. I want to know where his unusual elemental power comes from.\n\nIf he doesn't talk, leave an interesting scar on his body according to where I say.\n\n(The [114597|Avano Camouflage Trooper] trembles, but [114456|Morrok Wallinder] looks at you calmly. You realize that the [206797|Dull Knife] doesn't have a sharp edge.)
Sys423040_szquest_complete_detail[103293|Luke Ponzi]...\n\nLooks like, we can only dig up the truth in the nearby cellar.
Sys423040_szquest_desc[114456|Morrok Wallinder] in [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] wants you to grab the [206797|Dull Knife] and torture [114597|Avano Camouflage Trooper] for information.
Sys423040_szquest_uncomplete_detailDo it! I think that this [114597|Avano Camouflage Trooper] is looking forward to being tortured.