result count: 14

SC_423041_0[103293|Luke Ponzi]: Hey you guys, take this pile of precious stones and make sure they get to the secret base.
SC_423041_1[103293|Luke Ponzi]: As for this smaller pile of precious stones, send it down into the sewers!
SC_423041_2Looks like the elimination hasn't quite wrapped up...
SC_423041_3You lot, quickly, take this to the old place.
SC_423041_4To those left, join forces and finish him off. If you fail in this, then don't dare to come back and face me.
SC_423041_5Hold on! I'm coming!
SC_423041_6Wait, I'll go after them. You stay here and look around for any clues they might have left. I'll see you at the entrance later.
SC_423041_8[$PLAYERNAME], are you alright?
SC_423041_HINTThe sound of people talking can be heard coming from the end of the stairs.
Sys423041_nameLuke's Tracks
Sys423041_szquest_accept_detailAlthough we obtained some information from [114597|Avano Camouflage Trooper] by threatening him, we still can't be sure how credible his information is. Just in case, I'll check the nearby area for other clues that were omitted.\n\nAs for you, go ahead to the cellar he mentioned to search for [103293|Luke Ponzi's] tracks!\n\nWhen I've confirmed that there are no other clues or [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] soldier tracks nearby, I'll head to the cellar to meet you.
Sys423041_szquest_complete_detailHe escaped. After all he's a sewer rat, he runs faster than anyone.\n\nThe sewers and a secret base? What's this?
Sys423041_szquest_desc[114456|Morrok Wallinder] in [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] wants you to go ahead to the nearby cellar to search for [103293|Luke Ponzi].
Sys423041_szquest_uncomplete_detailCrap...they escaped.