result count: 15

SC_423053_0(Greet Silverstar.)
SC_423053_1Hello, outsider. Welcome to the forest.
SC_423053_2(Inquire about Avano Elite Trooper tracks.)
SC_423053_3A group of humans? Yes...we've recently seen a group of suspicious humans in the forest, they come and go, but they never let our patrols get close. We can't confirm their identity, or even where they're going...
SC_423053_4(Continue listening.)
SC_423053_5While it is normal to see longbows in the camp, we don't take weapons lightly, and we won't use force to make them stay. Our ancestors were warm and hospitable, and that is our nature. However, our kindness isn't always repaid in kind.\n\nDeceit, betrayal, and slaughter fell upon our ancestors because of their sincerity, so they began to teach their descendants about self-preservation. Times were chaotic, and everyone was receptive to the idea.\n\nBut now, several thousand years later, my people have lived in peace for hundreds of years. Many don't understand the need for alertness, and our naive and kind nature has caused many young Centaurs to ignore this.
SC_423053_6(Listen patiently.)
SC_423053_7Several years ago, I observed the Threefold Star entering the House of Centauri. The Threefold Star represents carelessness, and means that carelessness can bring trouble. Shortly after observing this star, I heard of chaos in the outside world, and couldn't help but worry that trouble would be brought upon my people because the young Centaurs aren't alert to self-preservation.\n\nFortunately, the Star of Karlan also entered our House. The Star of Karlan is a good omen and a symbol of friendship, so [114635|Morrok Wallinder's] arrival put my mind at ease. I see your arrival as a happy turn of events. To most of the patrols, [114635|Morrok Wallinder] is like family, but you look like any other outsider, so I have something for you to do.
SC_423053_9While we have always had contact with outsiders, our young centaurs often naively believe all creatures share their good intentions. I often see them lower their defenses when meeting someone for the first time. If the other person is malicious, I'm afraid they would be killed without even knowing what happened!
Sys423053_nameCeremony Before All Else
Sys423053_szquest_accept_detailThe one behind me is [114647|Darik Silverstar], Chief of the Silverstars. I don't know why they're so guarded against outsiders right now. Fortunately, [114647|Darik Silverstar] and I are very close, and he knows I would never hurt him. Otherwise, they would have driven you off by now.\n\nRight! The chief said he wants to talk with you, the "outsider." You can ask him if they have any information about the Avano Elite Troopers. Also, when visiting someone else's home, you should be polite and greet them. Go! I'll wait for you by the campfire.\n\nUm...You can come find me after you've talked to the chief! Remember, we're here looking for [103438|Luke Ponzi] and his troops. You must remember...don't forget...\n\n(Just when you want to ask [114635|Morrok Wallinder] why he doesn't go himself, you notice that his expression looks unnatural. It doesn't seem malicious, but it's a little strange.)
Sys423053_szquest_complete_detailIf you want to find those Avano Troopers, you can ask the [<S>114654|Silverstar Patrols] in the forest for the latest intelligence. But since you're already here, I also have something to ask of you.
Sys423053_szquest_descSpeak with [114647|Darik Silverstar].
Sys423053_szquest_uncomplete_detailHello, outsider.