result count: 7

SC_423057_0(Ask about the fragrance in the vessel)
SC_423057_1This smell...I know this plant, we Centaurs call it [206462|Altus Breath]. We haven't really used it, as it grows close to the [ZONE_BOHEMOTH_POINT|Behemoth Skull]. We can't go near the forbidden area, and we're afraid of being attacked by the [<S>103444|Behemoths]. We Centaurs haven't ever collected it. Why do you ask about the [206462|Altus Breath]?
Sys423057_nameStrange Fragrance
Sys423057_szquest_accept_detailThis smell...? I've smelled it before, but where? I can't remember...[<S>103444|Behemoths]...yes! It's the [103444|Behemoth]!\n\nYou remember I fought the [103444|Behemoth] before! When I was just about to die, I smelled a particular fragrance, and those [<S>103444|Behemoths] just left me alone. I was lucky to escape with my life, and I didn't think about it too much. Now that I remember it, maybe it was the smell of that plant that saved me.\n\nBut I don't live in this forest, so I don't recognize what plant it is. We should ask [114647|Darik Silverstar]. He should definitely know.
Sys423057_szquest_complete_detailA plant growing in the area of the [ZONE_BOHEMOTH_POINT|Behemoth Skull]...called [114682|Altus Breath], right?\n\nThere should also be other types of plants in this, they all grow in this forest...
Sys423057_szquest_descTake the [203465|Suspicious-looking Vessel] and talk with [114647|Darik Silverstar].
Sys423057_szquest_uncomplete_detailGo ask [114647|Darik Silverstar]! He will definitely know...