result count: 5

Sys423061_nameMass Production
Sys423061_szquest_accept_detailI discussed the effects of [206462|Altus Breath] with [114648|Darik Silverstar], and according to him, [<S>103444|Behemoths] eat this plant. Perhaps [<S>103444|Behemoths] smell it and think it's another [103444|Behemoth]. Based on my experience fighting the [<S>103444|Behemoths], they are fiercely territorial, they will never attack each other but will work together to attack outside invaders. This is probably why the [206462|Altus Breath] allows you to avoid the [103444|Behemoth] attacks.\n\nJust now, I discovered how to extend the effect of the [206462|Altus Breath], but since we're dealing with the Avano Elite Troopers, just the two of us rushing in would be too rash. So, I've talked with [114648|Darik Silverstar] about how the Centaurs can join in our raid!\n\nIn order to convince the Centaurs, they must be certain that the [<S>103444|Behemoths] won't attack, so we'll need a lot [<S>206462|Altus Breath] plants. I'll stay here and teach them how to extract the [206462|Altus Breath] and make the potion, and when you return with more I'll make a potion to use on the Centaurs' bodies. Then, they can go collect more of them, it is the fastest way to produce the potion. Time is short. Act quickly!
Sys423061_szquest_complete_detailWhile you were away, the Centaurs brought over two bodies. They look like Avano Elite Troopers. This gives me an idea...
Sys423061_szquest_descCollect 12 [<S>206462|Altus Breath] plants and come back to [114635|Morrok Wallinder].
Sys423061_szquest_uncomplete_detailTime is short, let's act immediately!