result count: 6

SC_423062_0You should put it on when you get to the [ZONE_MILASSO_FOREST|Milasso Forest]...
SC_423062_1He glares at you to quickly put on the Avano armor!
Sys423062_nameAppearances Are Deceiving
Sys423062_szquest_accept_detailThe Centaurs are already processing the [206462|Altus Breath] plants you brought back. When they're ready, we can begin the raid.\n\nAs for these two bodies that were just discovered by the centaurs, I don't know how they died, but their armor is perfect. We can use these two sets of armor to go verify [114652|Delany Silverstar's] position. Wearing Avano Elite Trooper armor, along with the liquid we extracted from the [206462|Altus Breath] will prevent the [<S>103444|Behemoths] from attacking us. I don't think we'll be detected.\n\nThis is your armor. I've already put the [206462|Altus Breath] on it. When you've changed, we'll rendezvous in the [ZONE_BOHEMOTH_POINT|Behemoth Skull] area. Go change clothes and I'll wait for you there. If there's danger, I'll stop you from coming in.'s me, be quiet. They're really inside doing experiments. I can't see anything from outside...
Sys423062_szquest_descAfter changing into the [206463|Processed Armor], go to the [ZONE_BOHEMOTH_POINT|Behemoth Skull] and meet with [114642|Morrok Wallinder].