result count: 16

SC_423185_1Have you seen any claw marks nearby or the creature that causes these claw marks?
SC_423185_10They must have been the ones that provoked the anger of the Titan [115375|Karebas]. He was angry that once more a group of outsiders came to our village so he's made everything difficult for us.
SC_423185_11Right, haven't you felt that the Titan [115375|Karebas] has been a lot sadder since the arrival of the outsiders that the Elder regards as esteemed guests.
SC_423185_2What claw mark? You weren't sent by them to lure me into a trap, were you? I won't be tricked! Get out of here.
SC_423185_3Claw mark? This claw mark looks like it was caused by a fierce animal, where did you get it? Is this related to the people that have been going missing?
SC_423185_4I've seen this claw mark before, decades ago. I once saw a creature with a claw mark very similar to this, but that was decades ago.
SC_423185_5What's this? I've never seen this kind of claw mark before. Anyways, you look quite strong, perhaps you can help us collect some food. People have been too scared to go into the forest lately!
SC_423185_6I've seen a claw mark very similar to this one before! I saw one near the Titan [115375|Karebas] of the [ZONE_TITANS_SACRED_GROUNDS|Sacred Ground of the Titan] one night. When the moon went down, I saw a creature that was covered in scales and had wings. It was like a dream.
SC_423185_7There's a grinding noise nearby.
SC_423185_8Darn it...more people have disappeared. Is this the Titan [115375|Karebas'] punishment for us?
SC_423185_9It must be the fault of the Elder and those darn refugees! The village hasn't been peaceful since they got here.
Sys423185_nameInvestigate Claw Mark Clues
Sys423185_szquest_accept_detailThe correlation between dragons and monsters attacking villages and the Hand of Truth may seem obvious, but it has no basis in fact.\n\nPerhaps the creature you saw in the forest is the cause of all of the rumors, but then why the strange battle with the soldiers?\n\nThe Hand of Truth may be continuing [103293|Luke Ponzi's] experiments. The situation gets more and more difficult, but the truth is out there waiting for us to dig it up.\n\nThere's no reason not to follow [115416|Morning Star's] suggestion to go to [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor]. Perhaps we can find answers there.\n\nThis is the [207297|Claw Mark Mold] I asked [115321|Arde Silverstar] to let me have. When you get there, ask the [<S>115442|Residents of Kandor] for information about it!\n\nI'll investigate the Hand of Truth, then meet you in [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor]!
Sys423185_szquest_complete_detailSimilar claw marks appeared several decades ago...\n\n([115324|Morrok Wallinder's] expression looks strange, but the next moment it's affected by other emotions.)\n\nAnd Titan [115375|Karebas] in the [ZONE_TITANS_SACRED_GROUNDS|Sacred Ground of the Titan]? Similar claw marks recently have appeared there, too?\n\ can this be?
Sys423185_szquest_desc[115324|Morrok Wallinder] wants you to go to [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor] and use the [207297|Claw Mark Mold] to ask the [<S>115442|Residents of Kandor] for clues about the claw marks.
Sys423185_szquest_uncomplete_detailStart with those [<S>115325|Residents of Kandor] ahead? Remember to take the [207297|Claw Mark Mold] to go question them.\n\nI'll go ask other nearby residents for information about the Hand of Truth.