result count: 14

SC_423251_0You were looking for me?
SC_423251_1I heard you once went to [ZONE_GREY_MIST_GROVE|Misty Grove] and came across some soldiers, could you describe them to me please?
SC_423251_2Their armor is pretty standard, even their weapons are nothing special.
SC_423251_3Have you seen their weapons, can you describe them?
SC_423251_4Here is a [207306|Notched Iron Sword] that they left behind..
SC_423251_5Yes, it is indeed a very ordinary iron sword, however it's quite uncommon to see something like this in this region.\nThere is a shortage of iron here, and while it's not uncommon to see people carrying iron swords, it's rare indeed that someone would discard one. Even if this is a [207306|Notched Iron Sword], unless he comes from an area without a shortage of such equipment, but most private soldiers have no way of getting hold of this kind of equipment, maybe it's...\n([114691|Night Owl] opens the piece of cloth that is soaked in red blood and wrapped around the sword hilt; then he looks at [115102|Morning Star].)\nSure enough, it's the insignia of [ZONE_WARNORKEN_FORT|Warnorken Castle]. [115102|Morning Star], we need to have a chat with your friend about this.
SC_423251_ACT0It's you who once in [ZONE_GREY_MIST_GROVE|Misty Grove] had a fight with those strange creatures right? Someone from the village was asking about what happened, he said he wanted to have a little chat with you. should go take a look. Who knows, you might be able to find some clues.
SC_423251_ACT2I've already told you the situation, now it's up to you if you want to go ahead with it or not.
Sys423251_nameGathering Intelligence
Sys423251_szquest_accept_detailThe [207307|Encoded Letter] has been deciphered. It says that the 11th Squad of the 3rd Brigade should capture ten living beings, and by capturing humans, the work can be cut in half. It's signed by Consul [115304|Marachi].\n\nWhile I don't know who this [115304|Marachi] who gave the order is, at least we have the written order as proof that the villagers of [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor] weren't responsible for the disappearances.\n\n[$playername], I will accompany Master [115130|Toni] when he talks with the mayor. You don't need to come.\n\nDuring this time, you may wish to inquire whether anyone saw the soldiers who captured people, or if anyone has heard of [115304|Marachi]. I remember that you picked up a [207306|Notched Iron Sword]. This may be a clue.
Sys423251_szquest_complete_detailHeh, looks like you got good news...
Sys423251_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor] and ask around if anyone saw the soldiers who captured people, or if anyone has heard of [115304|Marachi]. Find people who have knowledge of the situation and talk to them.
Sys423251_szquest_uncomplete_detailDear Guests, there is still a long way to go before we reach our goal. Speak to Carr, and you might discover something.