result count: 9

SC_423254_0Elder, the diary is gone.
SC_423254_1The diary is gone, eh? Relax, someone just found it and gave it to me. Take it, and be careful not to misplace it this time!
SC_423254_2Elder one, I want to ask a question, if I may. Have you heard of [115302|Reuen von Jura] from [ZONE_WARNORKEN_FORT|Warnorken Castle]?
SC_423254_3That name ... It hasn't been mentioned here for a long time. Young adventurer, why do you ask about him?\n\nHaha! I am not inquiring why you would like to know more about [115302|Reuen von Jura]. Maybe you just overheard some villagers speaking his name and got curious? If it was not for that reason then for another one. You don't have to tell me. For an old man like me it is just nice to chat with a young fellow like you.
Sys423254_nameAsk the Elder for Advice
Sys423254_szquest_accept_detailWhile I think sending troops is the last resort, since I've already promised I have to do it. However, it's already better than when we first arrived in [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor]. At least now we know who our target is.\n\nLance said that gathering intelligence about the enemy is the first step before any action is taken. This time we'll split up. I'll investigate the background of [115304|Marachi] with Iswan, and leave [115302|Reuen von Jura] to you. Right, perhaps you should go visit the elder [115098|Ayven Teuton]. He is old and experienced, and has always taken care of the villagers who came from [ZONE_WARNORKEN_FORT|Warnorken Castle]. He should know a lot.
Sys423254_szquest_complete_detailWhat did you find? Iswan and I found out that [115304|Marachi] didn't appear until after [115302|Reuen von Jura] failed to defeat the beast of [ZONE_CHEPERT_VALLEY|Chupura Valley]...\n\nYou have the elder's diary. Does it say what happened then? Great, let's look!
Sys423254_szquest_descVisit [115098|Ayven Teuton] and ask around for information about [115302|Reuen von Jura], then report back to [115130|Toni].
Sys423254_szquest_uncomplete_detailSo...why did the panther suddenly go crazy?