result count: 15

S_423288_ACT0This... This really is a [207314|Chepu Tooth]?
S_423288_ACT1Mayor! It's terrible!! The logging camp was just raided and they made off with quite a few people.
S_423288_ACT2I ... I was off to the side, hidden, and was able remain unnoticed by them; a fact that saved my life. Those thugs were wearing what seemed to be soldiers' uniforms, and they were operating under the command of a particularly brutal woman. They called her Consul [115304|Marachi].
S_423288_ACT3Adventurer, it's all my fault ... If only I had believed you, then today's terrible events would not have transpired.
S_423288_ACT4You lot were constantly trying to tell me the truth, but I...
S_423288_ACT5Mayor, don't blame yourself. What's more important is getting back the people who have been snatched away.
S_423288_ACT6Only you can help us ... Please, bring our kidnapped villagers safely home from [ZONE_WARNORKEN_FORT|Warnorken Castle]!
S_423288_ACT7Mayor, what are you going to say to the families of those villagers who have been captured?
S_423288_ACT8Aminon, you go reassure the villagers. Leave the assault on the soldiers at [ZONE_WARNORKEN_FORT|Warnorken Castle] and the rescue of the captives to us.
S_423288_ACT9Thank you!
Sys423288_nameCrisis in Kandor
Sys423288_szquest_accept_detailI want to go speak with the mayor again. I don't know why, but I think this time I can convince him that the main problem facing [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor] isn't the disappearances, but the internal divisions.\n\nI'll go talk to him first. You wait here for a while, then take this tooth and come over and find me, ok? I snuck this out. It's said to be from [115278|Chepu]. Look, it's as big as a fist! I want to use this as proof that we went to [ZONE_CHEPERT_VALLEY|Chupura Valley], and tell the mayor that the terrible beast doesn't exist, there's only a Chupura King. The real terror isn't [115278|Chepu], but rumors.\n\nBefore you come over I'll try to see how much convincing I can do.
Sys423288_szquest_complete_detailYou're just in time. This mayor is really stubborn. Thank you for bringing the [207314|Chepu Tooth].\n\n[115101|Animon Bana], come out and look at this! This is a [207314|Chepu Tooth]!
Sys423288_szquest_descTake the [207314|Chepu Tooth] to [115293|Toni], who went to see Mayor [115101|Animon Bana].
Sys423288_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you bring the [207314|Chepu Tooth]? Lost? How? Knight, you really disappoint me.\n\n(Please abandon quest and re-accept it)