result count: 5

Sys423337_nameUnquenchable Thirst
Sys423337_szquest_accept_detailCough... this [207707|Package] needs to be delivered to [115640|Nax] as quickly as possible.\n\nThe only problem is that I cannot set foot in [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest] like this, even though the demons in my head are constantly trying to tempt me there.\n\nThe thirst for Nature's Power is unquenchable, and sometimes I can't even control myself because of it. It's a part of me now.\n\nSo you see, I cannot enter the [ZONE_STAR_DIM_SWAMP|Dimstar Swamp] area nearby the [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest], for I am afraid that my weak will would once again be broken. \n\nTo save the forest and the swamp, I hope you can take this [207707|Package] for me and give it to [115640|Nax]. She is in the [ZONE_STAR_DIM_SWAMP|Dimstar Swamp] not far from the [ZONE_GRIFFITH_CAMP|Griffith Camp].
Sys423337_szquest_complete_detailYou say [115637|Lafen] gave you these, then where is he now? Is everything OK?\n\n([115640|Nax] stares at you intently.)\n\nYou have a pure soul, and an aura that puts people at ease. \n\nPerhaps can be trusted...
Sys423337_szquest_desc[115637|Lafen] wants you to deliver this [207707|Package] to [115640|Nax]. She is in the [ZONE_STAR_DIM_SWAMP|Dimstar Swamp] area not far from the [ZONE_GRIFFITH_CAMP|Griffith Camp].
Sys423337_szquest_uncomplete_detailWho are you? Why have you come?