result count: 7

SC_423342_1Holy Elven King, please bless your subjects.
SC_423342_2Deliver us from darkness.
Sys423342_nameThe Forest's Lament
Sys423342_szquest_accept_detailI never thought [115635|Nax the Holy Tree's] incarnation would be the first to give in and send me this [207691|Midsummer Fruit]... Things must be getting pretty bad...\n\nFor years we've been thinking of every way possible to bring our people back. Then suddenly, while we were being attacked, something jogged my memory, and I remembered a legend the Archdruid once told me of how the Holy Elven King charged himself with Nature's Power and used earth elements to reverse the mutations that had afflicted our people and bring them back into the light.\n\nSo I started traveling to forests all around the land, using magic to achieve the purest earth elements possible. Now all that's left is the [207692|Crystal of the Great Earth] in [ZONE_ANGAREN_FOREST|Angren Forest]. \n\nUnfortunately the Angren are not the best-natured of people, and Elves are a somewhat sensitive topic with them. Fighting can break out at the slightest provocation, and I don't want to make things worse. Would you be able to go to [ZONE_ANGAREN_FOREST|Angren Forest] for me and find 5 [<S>207692|Crystal of the Great Earth] rich in earth elements?
Sys423342_szquest_complete_detailPowerful earth elements are resonating within the crystal. \n\nI hope that once they have been purified, they can awaken our people from their nightmare.
Sys423342_szquest_desc[115644|Alisber] from the [ZONE_FOREST_SURVEYING_CAMP|Forest Survey Camp] wants you to go to [ZONE_ANGAREN_FOREST|Angren Forest] and retrieve 5 [<S>207692|Crystal of the Great Earth]. [SC_QUESTSTRING_04|(Recommended group size: 2)]
Sys423342_szquest_uncomplete_detailRetrieve 5 [<S>207692|Crystal of the Great Earth] rich in earth elements from [ZONE_ANGAREN_FOREST|Angren Forest].