result count: 23

SC_423351_1Lacking a [207704|Transparent Crystal], the [115899|Ordinary Pile of Stones] has no reaction.
SC_423351_10I have something else that you must accept. [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower] Elder has entrusted me to give you this Holy Earth.
SC_423351_11After so many years have passed, I never thought today I would see this again.
SC_423351_12He wanted me to tell you, the wind has never stopped blowing... The elves at the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower]... The ancestors of those who first defended the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower] have preserved their honor still to this day.
SC_423351_13I am touched by all your kind thoughts.
SC_423351_14In addition, our king sincerely hopes that you return to the kingdom and teach all our Elves more elegant combat skills, as well as catch up on a thousand years of history.
SC_423351_15Of course, we don't need your answer right away. What is more important now is that you save this tribe and restore their pride as Elves.
SC_423351_16I will also put forth all my effort to help you. I hope that you all will accept this proposal.
SC_423351_17I understand your thoughts and will carefully take them into consideration. As for the rest, thank you for your trouble.
SC_423351_18This is the sword Raicissus that you used together with Elven King [112852|Isnasil] before.
SC_423351_2Lacking a [207705|Magic Leaf], the [115899|Ordinary Pile of Stones] has no reaction.
SC_423351_3Aiai, are you ok?
SC_423351_4If its not Aiai, is it Aiai's assistant?
SC_423351_5I have kept Aiai's things safe.
SC_423351_6Quickly take them with you now.
SC_423351_7Wait, I also need to come with you and return to Aiai.
SC_423351_8Because you were too slow, you made [115900|Coco Rub] suspicious. She took the [115898|Package] and escaped inside the barriers.
SC_423351_9Elven King, in order to show my king's appreciation for you, he has commanded me to bring you this token from the past.
Sys423351_nameAnother Royal Family
Sys423351_szquest_accept_detail[$PLAYERNAME], I will try to stop Elven King [115867|Antaikolon] and make him understand my king's philosophy and the history of past disputes...\n\nHowever, I made a serious mistake. After being attacked by the Forest Shadows which [115865|Nax] spoke about, I used Nature's Power to create a magic seal to keep the enemy from stealing important goods, but I locked the [207703|Package] I brought inside.\n\nI originally planned to wait until I recovered, then go back and get the [207703|Package], but my recovery has been slow...\n\nNow I'm forced to ask for your help, and I hope you can keep this secret. I don't want my personal actions to cause other elves to question the Royal House of [112852|Isnasil]. Please follow the instructions on this [207702|Note] and help me get back my letters.
Sys423351_szquest_complete_detailThank the Holy King, you found my things.\n\nMay Nature's Power always be with you.
Sys423351_szquest_desc[115861|Abroniya] wants you to follow the instructions in the [207702|Note] to retrieve her [207703|Package].
Sys423351_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease follow the instructions in the [207702|Note] to find my [207703|Package]. May Nature's Power protect you.