result count: 7

SC_423355_0The Elven King told me to come...
SC_423355_1I understand the reason you came, and knew all along that the elves... their situation is not normal.\n\nDo you remember I told you [115636|Eliyar] found this place searching for an even richer source of Nature's Power?\n\nIt was hard to recognize the changes. Only after the landscape transformed did the elves finally wake up, but by then they were powerless to reverse the situation and were unable to free themselves...\n\nBut what was it that caused the elves to become so attached to power? The growing frequency of the Forest Shadow attacks has made me more confident of my theory.\n\nIt was a kind of seduction... No, a choking thirst from a place deep within the spirit. [115636|Eliyar's] precautions, the Elves struggling desire, even the Forest Shadow attacks... they were all caused by the [115973|Star Spring].\n\nMuch Nature's Power accumulated at the [115973|Star Spring], flickering, seductive and bright. It... was not just faith.
Sys423355_nameElf Mutation
Sys423355_szquest_accept_detail...Turn into shadows to confuse the minds of others... Are the "lower life forms" [115636|Eliyar] mentions the same as the Shadows [115635|Nax the Holy Tree] saw?\n\nDo you also feel the disorder in [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest]? When everything has lost its natural guidelines, and even the stars are hidden by the clouds, increasingly weak souls cannot withstand the cravings. In this kind of situation, how can you find the truth?\n\n[$playername], find [115635|Nax the Holy Tree] and ask her what other unusual things have happened to elves in the past.\n\nIf the forces that caused these phenomena are disrupting all connections, then finding them is the first priority.
Sys423355_szquest_complete_detailAll sorts of unusual phenomena are the effect of the [115973|Star Spring]. To the Elves, it's like poison...confusing and deadly...
Sys423355_szquest_descFind [115635|Nax the Holy Tree] from the [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest] and ask her what other unusual things have happened to elves in the past, and find the root cause from this.
Sys423355_szquest_uncomplete_detailI understand your reasons for coming...but can do nothing...