result count: 13

SC_423356_0A faint glow hovers around the [115794|Forest Stone Tablet].
SC_423356_1[115636|Eliyar] ...
SC_423356_2Let me by. The power of the [115973|Star Spring] is incredibly strong.
SC_423356_3That isn't something you can control.
SC_423356_4You know... I will protect you...
SC_423356_6Damn! It was seen through again. Retreat!
SC_423356_7You see the Forest Shadow morph into a [115799|Antaikolon] and approach [115636|Eliyar]...
Sys423356_nameMurky Darkness
Sys423356_szquest_accept_detailI can feel...the [115973|Star Spring] is the target of the Shadows. The forest whispers say it is so.\n\n[115636|Eliyar] must feel it too. They not only attack, but sometimes resort to dirty tricks...this is the main reason [115636|Eliyar] defeated [115799|Antaikolon] immediately.\n\nYou just have to read the [115794|Forest Stone Tablet] to know. you understand?\n\n[115636|Eliyar] called the Shadows lower life-forms because they deliberately disguised themselves as the elf king in order to get close...\n\nThe flickering of slim hope is more cruel than eternal solitude...
Sys423356_szquest_descFollow the instructions of [115635|Nax the Holy Tree] and look at the records on the [115794|Forest Stone Tablet] in the [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest].
Sys423356_szquest_uncomplete_detailGo, look at the records on the [115794|Forest Stone Tablet].\n\nThen you'll know how desperately the Shadows want to get close to the [115973|Star Spring] to gain power.