result count: 19

SC_423497_1Wait...I want to clean up first. We have to exit handsomely so those dragons won't act so superior. When everything's in order, then we'll leave.
SC_423497_10[116188|Morrok Wallinder]: Father, what should I do? I don't want to put the queen in a difficult situation, but I also don't want to sacrifice them.
SC_423497_11[116188|Morrok Wallinder]: They were victims! They became half-dragons because of my blood. I'm to blame, too.
SC_423497_12[116188|Morrok Wallinder]: do you agree with [115351|Goastria]?
SC_423497_13We don't know the true location of [116199|Fernando Cosmo]...and the experiment is beginning again. It will once again throw the world into imbalance.
SC_423497_14We originally should have killed [116199|Fernando Cosmo], but unfortunately...he escaped. Now this danger exists.
SC_423497_2Then go.
SC_423497_3Don't worry, proud dragon. [116199|Fernando Cosmo] has long been gone. During the Great Banishment he was sealed in The Void.
SC_423497_4Be happy, there's one less tragedy. You've never thought of what he did for the dragon race...
SC_423497_5It is clear to see that everything [116199|Fernando Cosmo] did was to restore balance to the world, but they take it for granted.
SC_423497_6I don't understand what you're saying! I just want to know what you plan to do with those two half-dragons.
SC_423497_7[116246|Kargath Duran], I'll give you an answer...
SC_423497_8Without more evidence, I can't give you an answer...I can only do my best to protect everything [116200|Morrok] believes in.
Sys423497_nameDemonstrate Attitude
Sys423497_szquest_accept_detailHowever, their leaving is not a bad thing. When facing a companion who could shift the blame at any time, it's better to play it safe...\n\nThe dragon race has always been confident and proud, or perhaps I should say selfish and arrogant, looking down on humans like noble gods. But as soon as something happens, they want to destroy everything and cover it up. Like [116199|Fernando Cosmo], and perhaps the legendary [115375|Karebas].\n\nWhile they may be outsiders, I still have some sympathy for those two poor kids who fell into tragedy because of [116199|Fernando Cosmo]...\n\nThe dragons owe more than an to deal with [116244|Jill Ayekin] in the future is still unknown.\n\nNow it's time to leave everything and go! Now is the perfect time to go see [116198|Morrok Wallinder's] father together and make our position known! Ready to go?
Sys423497_szquest_complete_detailGood, at least now we have a promise.\n\nThe dragons honor promises. For now, there's no turning back.
Sys423497_szquest_desc[116249|Kargath Duran] in [ZONE_KFARD_LAIR|Kafarg's Lair] wants you to go with him to talk with [116247|Kazachis].