result count: 7

LUAS_423501[116289|Ike Mania's] hand slides down your wrist... It gives you a chill.
SC_423501_1[116289|Ike Mania's] hand touches your feels freezing...
Sys423501_nameMeet Louis
Sys423501_szquest_accept_detailIt's rare to see you like this. I said there was more than one lamb, now do you see?\n\nI chased a sewer rat here, or should I say [115392|Star of Emir]? I have a feeling this is all coming to an end soon, but right now the storm is at its peak...\n\nWhy do you look so lost? OK! Fate ties everyone together! I have a deep bond with you, so I rescued the half-dragons, disrupting my own plans and even losing a subordinate in the process.\n\nHe is still in the [ZONE_TRUE_HAND_CAMP|Hand of Truth Camp] executing his work, but the god of fate will soon shoot its arrow. I hope you can go help him quickly complete the coming task.\n\nI arranged to meet him not far up the road. Please take this [208113|Gold Bracelet] and go.
Sys423501_szquest_complete_detailMaster's token? And that smell?\n\nI just knew that Master would escape capture!\n\nBut your face is unfamiliar. I've never met you before. You...must be great! Otherwise Master wouldn't send you to help me.
Sys423501_szquest_desc[116289|Ike Mania] in [ZONE_ZANKA_DUNE|Zanka's Dune] wants you to take the [208113|Gold Bracelet] and continue along the road to find [116293|Louis Dell] who is also in [ZONE_ZANKA_DUNE|Zanka's Dune].
Sys423501_szquest_uncomplete_detailWho are you? Why are you here?