result count: 5

Sys423502_namePreparing to Disrupt the Experiment
Sys423502_szquest_accept_detailOk...there are no clues, but since Master assigned my work, I'll do my best!\n\nHa, I never liked those peculiar people. Their world is without a trace of morality, and they're always feverishly experimenting!\n\nDisrupting the Hand of Truth's experiment is one of the tasks Master assigned me. Heh heh...While I sneak in and steal their potion, you go get some [<S>208117|Internal Organs] from [<S>104278|Zanka Sand Vipers]. I'll make it into a liquid the same color as their potion and their experiment will fail.
Sys423502_szquest_complete_detailThe next phase will be dangerous!\n\nFollow me, and carefully complete the task...
Sys423502_szquest_desc[116293|Louis Dell] in [ZONE_ZANKA_DUNE|Zanka's Dune] wants you to get 5 [<S>208117|Internal Organs] from [<S>104278|Zanka Sand Vipers].
Sys423502_szquest_uncomplete_detailRemember to get [<S>208117|Internal Organs] from [<S>104278|Zanka Sand Vipers]...don't get it wrong. The color and smell have to be right, or they may notice.