result count: 6

SC_423514_BOOKIf you want to join the Lionheart Knights, but don't have a chance, you can go to [ZONE_ZAKURI_VILLAGE|Tomara] and find [114478|Samiel Caster]. He's the owner of the Pig in a Pond tavern.\n\nHe can guide you to join the Lionheart Knights. Once you're in, you will meet [114367|General Lance].\n\nHowever, if you're already a member of the Lionheart Knights, but you don't know what orders to follow, then my only advice to you is to search every possible place. Maybe you'll find a Lionheart Knight to give you a quest.\n\nMaybe it's [ZONE_THUNDERHOOF_MESA|Thunderhoof Hills], [ZONE_SOUTH_JENOTAR_FOREST|Southern Janost Forest], [ZONE_NORTHERN_JANOST_FOREST|Northern Janost Forest], or [ZONE_LYMOR_DESERT|Limo Desert].\n\nNever give up. The Human King needs your help.
Sys423514_nameSeek Help
Sys423514_szquest_accept_detailDarkness is falling, and my nightmare will spread throughout the world.\n\n[115645|Toni]...doesn't know how terrible the darkness is, and doesn't understand the fear and panic that will come.\n\nBut I can't do much for him now. Before the nightmare comes, I can only put my hope in you and trust that a breeze will part the clouds. Take this [208152|Letter] and find [116269|Safir Shaquapuh] in [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis].\n\nDon't worry, I'll use a transport rune to send you directly to [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis]. Tell me when you're ready.
Sys423514_szquest_complete_detailFrom reading this letter, I understand the whole story. If you want to help them, you must grow once more.\n\nNext, please stay with the Lionheart Knights and continue to assist [115761|General Lance] or help His Majesty [115485|Callaway Kalume] who is now disguised as [115645|Toni]. Assist his growth. For you, this will be the start of another kind of discipline.
Sys423514_szquest_desc[116335|Ike Mania] wants you take the [208152|Letter] and return to [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] to search for [116269|Safir Shaquapuh].