result count: 14

SC_423537_0We can't take treasure that doesn't belong to us.
SC_423537_1Just give me a little money and you can keep the treasure for partner still insists on returning it to that crazy old lady? What a fool!
SC_423537_2(Give [116230|Destitute Salt Worker] 200 gold)
SC_423537_3You didn't get the treasure but you still want to give me money? Very kind of you!
SC_423537_4(Don't pay [116230|Destitute Salt Worker])
SC_423537_5You won't pay and you want to get rid of me? Buddy, you'd best watch your back!
SC_423537_C1(The little [115631|Limon] girl makes a face at you)
SC_423537_C2I have come on behalf of my friend to teach you a lesson for your lack of judgment!
Sys423537_szquest_accept_detailYes, you should bear in mind that as a Lionheart Knight of [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis], even when you're alone or walking in darkness, everything you do must be in compliance with the Knights' Code.\n\nAdditionally, Helghar warned you to beware of crooks here. We should be more careful and not let our guards down.\n\nKnight, we absolutely cannot accept the proposal of that [116230|Destitute Salt Worker]. Go tell him that.
Sys423537_szquest_complete_detailYou've taken care of the situation? Very good.
Sys423537_szquest_descSpeak with [116230|Destitute Salt Worker], refuse his offer, then report back to [116227|Iswan Giant].