result count: 9

SC_423575_1Are you ready? If so, let's go.
SC_423575_2Wait a minute. I'm almost ready.
SC_423575_3I'm ready. Let's go.
SC_423575_4Yes, go take care of it. We'll wait for you here.
SC_423575_5So you're here!\n\nI just ran into [114369|Callaway Kalume] and realized he's looking for you. It seems he has something urgent to discuss with you. Coincidentally, we also need to meet with him. Could we ask you to go to the palace in the [ZONE_LYMUN_KINGDOM|Kingdom of Limon] and find him for us?
Sys423575_nameGo to the Land of Malevolence
Sys423575_szquest_accept_detailNow that we know our destination, let's go.\n\nIn order to avoid delays on the road, [115999|Loub Ayekin], [115888|Jill Ayekin], and I will fly you to the [ZONE_SINISTER_LANDS|Land of Malevolence], where we'll land outside the nearest town. If there's anything you need to do before we leave, go take care of it now. When you're ready, come back to me.\n\nRemember, our time is limited.
Sys423575_szquest_complete_detailThis is the nearest town to us.
Sys423575_szquest_descAfter [115060|Morrok Wallinder] takes you to the [ZONE_SINISTER_LANDS|Land of Malevolence], speak with [115060|Morrok Wallinder] again.