result count: 9

SC_423594_0You feel energy dissipating in an instant...
SC_423594_1No response. Startup sequence error...
SC_423594_2Just a strange rock...
SC_423594_3This pillar no longer reacts...
Sys423594_nameEnergy Barrier
Sys423594_szquest_accept_detailAll indications are that there's something wrong with this circus, and my intuition says that it's definitely related to the Hand of Truth. However, without more proof, I don't want to jump to conclusions.\n\nDo you feel that barrier produced by an unknown energy?\n\n[115751|Kargath Duran] is behind it. He said he accidentally touched a machine and was able to pass through the energy barrier. Also, according to him, there's a staircase leading to an underground space and the faint smell of pungent potions. I suspect that there is a laboratory of some kind in the basement.\n\nI originally wanted him to open the machine from the inside, but he couldn't wait any longer and went to explore the forbidden area. And we had to wait for you to come...\n\nSince we're all here, then just follow the instructions [115751|Kargath Duran] gave me to disable this energy barrier.\n\n[116557|Spooky Painting] and [116558|Strange Bookshelf] are in the circus. Look everywhere, and when the first two machines are on, go press [116559|Strange Rune Pillar]. According to [115751|Kargath Duran], besides the one behind the energy barrier, there's another pillar outside the circus. You should've seen it when you came in.
Sys423594_szquest_complete_detailYou're really too slow. You missed a lot of interesting things.\n\nI was just walking around blindly, I touched something by mistake and then I discovered that the energy barrier that was here had disappeared. When I went inside, the energy barrier came back.\n\nLuckily my memory is pretty good, and I can remember what I touched. Otherwise, you'd have to be like me touching and banging on everything backstage trying to open this door.
Sys423594_szquest_descBreak the energy barrier and let the others meet up with [115751|Kargath Duran] behind it.
Sys423594_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat? The others are still stuck on the outside of the energy barrier?\n\nNo problem. There's an energy release machine in the stairwell. It's just like the one outside. Follow the stairs and you'll see it. Go.